Raranga in the heart of Te Whanganui-a-Tara native botanic gardens.


Create and learn in Ōtari Wilton’s Bush

We aim to spread knowledge of Te Taioa, tikanga through traditional Māori weaving and occasional rongoā healing practices utilising the native plants at Ōtari Wilton’s Bush.

You can learn at your own pace with affordable and koha pricing options at our community clases.

We also offer a range of private and professional services.


Ōtari Raranga Weavers

Ngā Kaiako: Kaiwhatu Frank Topia and mixed race Māori and Chinese artist, Linda Lee aim to bring our surrounding community together on a regular basis.

Starting with tikanga and making kono and kōnae (small containers), over time, regular attendees will develop their skills and craft new objects such as baskets, wahakura and finer kete. And we can be flexible organising wānanga or short classes to meet the needs of the whānau.

With special thanks to Ōtari Wilton’s Bush, Wellington Botanic Gardens, Wellington City Council and Wellington Communities Fund.


Frank and Linda’s teaching is about weaving knowledge, identity, and people through harakeke. It’s a journey and a healing I look forward to every week!

With special thanks to the Ōtari Wilton’s Bush Kaitiaki for their support, and to our funders and sponsors:

And for their on-going support of my Shared Lines Collaborative initiatives:

Ōtari Raranga would like to acknowledge and thank,

Taranaki Whānui, Te Āti Awa, Ngāti Toa and all of our tūpuna before us.

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